Responsible for the internet pages of SEG Automotive Germany GmbH and its subsidiaries.

Name and address:
SEG Automotive Germany GmbH
Lotterbergstraße 30
70499 Stuttgart

Managing directors:
Ferdinando Sorrentino, Georg Brasch

Name and address (HU)
Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft.
(S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft.)
3711 Szirmabesenyő
Farkashegyi út 3.

Managing Director, Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft.
Cláudio Ishamu Nakao

Plant Managers, Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft.
Dr. Péter Dobos, Technical Plant Manager
Szilveszter Vér, Commercial Plant Manager

How to contact SEG Automotive:
+36 20 684 3001
For suppliers:

Commercial Register entries

SEG Automotive Germany GmbH
Registration court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 754886

Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft.
Registration Court: Miskolc Regional Court (Miskolci Törvényszék Cégbírósága): 05-09-028770

VAT reg. no.

SEG Automotive Germany GmbH

Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft.
25524468-2-05 (domestic)